Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Clinic In Ecuador

Jess or I will post about our awesome weekend in Mindo (a cloud forrest) a bit later but I had to write a quick post about the clinic I have been placed in this week.

Along with my friend Delia who is fluent in Spanish I have been assigned to shadow in a clinic called CEMOPLAF which is partnered with Planned Parenthood. The clinic is semi private which means you do have to pay to see the doctor however the rate is fairly cheap (it is $22 for a complete annual exam for a woman including labs). The physician I am shadowing in an OB-gyn who is a fire pistol. She is a very put together woman who looks around 40 but is a grandmother. She wears awesome tweed suits.

My first day of clinic she sent us to a conference hosted by Planned Parenthood that was about maternal mortality and care for patients with complications from illegal abortions. Apparently talks about abortions just seem to find me. It was so interesting to hear from all of the doctors how strongly they felt that abortion was medically necessary and how it should be legalized. We did´t get to stay for the whole conference, we really only saw a presentation on proper care for women and a powerpoint on human rights but even that was inspiring.

I was really hoping to see some crazy stuff in the OBgyn clinic but it seems like they have very similar problems to what we deal with in the US: family planning, pap smears, irregular periods and STIs (even though I haven´t actually seen any of those yet!)

I am learning lots though being in the clinic defintiely makes me wish my Spanish was better... but I´m working on it! Miss you all!

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